The book has been discussed in three parts viz., Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and Law of Evidence.
A brief account of all three laws is given below to apprise the readers of the fine imprint of the laws which the British during colonial era drafted and gave to the country.
The three laws are unique, and model codes drafted to govern the country with the help of judicial process.
An important feature of these laws is that they are being followed in all the common law countries that the British ruled at one time or the other.
The book is truly exhaustive and excellent work.
It not only gives a complete insight into the text of the statute but also an analysis of the black letters with the help of epoch-making judgments.
An attempt has been made to make the discussion throughout clear, lucid, brief and logical.
Leading and illustrative cases have been included so that the basic principles of criminal jurisprudence get stamped on the memory of the readers.